Rb-Sr and U-Pb geochronology of Late Precambrian-Early Palaeozoic igneous activity in the Richtersveld ( South Africa) and southern south West Africa.
Late Precambrian to Early Palaeozoic rocks, exposed in the NW Cape Province (S Africa) and southern SW Africa, comprise the mainly sedimentary Nama and Gariep groups, the Kuboos-Bremen line of intrusives and the Richtersveld and Bremen Igneous Complexes. Known stratigraphic relationships between these rock-units are enumerated, and the stratigraphic history of the area is described briefly. In this paper we present new Rb-Sr (mainly whole-rock) and U-Pb zircon age-determinations, involving a total of 145 samples, on these rocks. A complementary paper is concerned with Middle-Proterozoic rocks from the same area (Welke et al. 1979). Three bodies were studied from the Kuboos-Bremen line of plutons. Ages of approx. 500 m.y. (possibly a minimum age), approx. 520 m.y. and approx. 550 m.y. were obtained, and multiphase intrusion is indicated. Data for the post-Nama younger Bremen intrusives establish a minimum age of 518 +- 15 m.y. (and probably 553 +- 13 m.y.) for the Nama group Felsic dykes that post-date the Richtersveld Igneous Complex underlie the Nama Group, but reliable data on these dykes was not obtained either by extensive Rb-Sr data points from widely separated dyke samples; data for groups of samples collected across the width of individual dykes each defined a separate line on an isochron plot. Both events seem confined to a belt extending down the W coast, and it is suggested that the approx. 700 m.y. event is related to Gariepian (i.e. Pan-African) orogenic deformation and that the approx 500 m.y. event is related to subsequent thermal acticity.-Authors
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Acceso restringido
Áreas de conocimiento:
- Geocronología
Áreas temáticas:
- Petrología
- Geología, hidrología, meteorología
- Geología económica