Recursos didácticos manipulativos como estrategia metodológica y su incidencia en el aprendizaje significativo de factorización


The present research was carried out with the objective of promoting the significant learning of factorization cases with linear and quadratic terms, in students of the tenth year of Basic Education, using the magnetized algebraic tokens as a methodological strategy. This quantitative study of pre-after quasi-experimental design was in the students of the 10th year of Basic Education of the Baccalaureate school Dr. Modesto Chávez Franco of the city of Santa Rosa, El Oro. Two groups of students: 27 control and 31 intervened. For the collection of information, 4 instruments were used: a questionnaire of 93 items on a Likert scale, designed Ad hoc for this research and validated by experts in the area of mathematics teaching. The survey showed that the teacher is most often using pre-instructional and instructional strategies in factorization teaching. In addition, two tests were applied with 13 questions; A pre-test and a post-test to determine the level of knowledge of the students before the beginning and the end of the implementation of the didactic proposal. The data obtained were organized into tables of frequency distribution, the comparison was in percentages because they were groups of unequal sizes and. After the intervention was evidenced. That the students of both groups improved their average, their average by 10%, although the quantitative level reached was unsatisfactory, while those of control did it in an average point. However, the students in the intervention group showed a greater degree of understanding of concepts and algorithms, greater motivation and performance during the development of the whole proposal. Finally the impact of the whole intervention was evaluated through a survey, resulting novel, dynamic and interactive for the students.

Año de publicación:



  • Factorización
  • Tesis de Maestría en Docencia de las Matemáticas
  • Fichas Algebraicas Imantadas
  • Aprendizaje significativo



Tipo de documento:

Master Thesis


Acceso abierto

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Pedagogía

Áreas temáticas:

  • Escuelas y sus actividades; educación especial
  • Enseñanza primaria
  • Matemáticas