Relación entre el estrato social y los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas en el semáforo nutricional en las papas empaquetadas, de los habitantes de los barrios Barabón Chico y Jaime Rosales. Cuenca. 2018.


Background: This research establishes the relationship between the socioeconomic stratum of households in the neighborhoods of Barabón Chico and Jaime Rosales and their knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding the labeling of packaged potatoes as nutritional traffic lights. Objective: To determine the relationship between stratification socioeconomic and the knowledge, attitudes and practices in the nutritional traffic light in the packaged potatoes, of population of the Barabón Chico and Jaime Rosales neighborhoods in Cuenca. 2018. Methodology: A quantitative, cross-sectional study was carried out in Barabón Chico and Jaime Rosales. The head of household, with a population of 309 households, answered the survey and a sample of 160 heads of household, selected in a simple random way. The survey consisted of two (Annex 5 and 6). The data evaluated through frequencies, percentages and Chi-square. Results: The socioeconomic stratum found was "Low", with more than 80%. The maximum level of knowledge was "adequate" between both neighbourhoods with 55.63%. The level of practice reached was the "minimum" with 51.87%. In both neighborhoods the "adequate" attitude was predominant with 88.13% and this was the only one that had significant association with the socioeconomic stratum. Conclusion: The socioeconomic stratum that predominated in both neighborhoods was the "Low" stratum similar the INEC 2010. The attitude towards the labeling of semaphore type food was positive, while the level of knowledge being understood mostly in Jaime Rosales than in Barabón Chico but less practiced in Barabòn Chico

Año de publicación:



  • Analisis Socioeconomico
  • Nutrucion
  • Medicna
  • Valor Nutritivo



Tipo de documento:

Bachelor Thesis


Acceso abierto

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Nutrición

Áreas temáticas:

  • Salud y seguridad personal
  • Grupos de personas
  • Producción