Relationship among pedogeomorfological homogeneity, geologic formation and life zone of Monaicito River microbasin, Trujillo, Venezuela


The effect of three native materials was determined (formations Río Negro, La Quinta and Mucuchachí) and two bioclimatic conditions or life zones (tropical dry forest bs-T and dry forest premontano bs-PM) over the pedogeomorphological homogeneity of the landscape units distributed in the medium and high part of the microbasin of Monaicito River, subbasin of the Motatán-Carache River, Trujillo State, Venezuela. Starting from an original matrix of data that included physiographic morpho-physicals and chemical characteristic, groups were made to carry out the analysis of homogeneity by selecting six profiles for each geologic formation and 13 profiles for each bioclimatic condition. The Index of Multiple Homogeneity (IMH) was determined, through the Information System Automated of Lands Homogeneity (ISALH) for the groupings, considering the characteristics of the complete profile, epipedon, and endopedon. It was determined that the largest pedogeomorphological homogeneity of the landscape units is associated to the Mucuchachí formation, followed by the Rio Negro formation, being La Quinta formation with the smallest homogeneity. Regarding the relationship between the pedogeomorfological characteristic and the bioclimatic conditions, it is apparent the linking since the homogeneity spreads to increase as the life zone is warmer, being more evident in the epipedon because it is the layer more subjected to homogenizing action associated with the increment of the environmental temperature. We conclude that a very narrow relationship exists between the pedogeomorphological homogeneity and both the parenteral material and bioclimatic conditions, factors that have contributed in the formation of soils in the microbasin of Monaicito River. © 2008 Universidad Centroccidental "Lisandro Alvarado" (UCLA).

Año de publicación:



  • IMH
  • Endopedon
  • Index of multiple homogeneity
  • Epipedon



Tipo de documento:



Acceso restringido

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Geomorfología
  • Geografía

Áreas temáticas:

  • Geología, hidrología, meteorología
  • Ecología