Robert Balfour Arízaga


This case study used Gestalt therapy for the treatment of a patient that presented paternalfilial problems. The patient, who at the time was 22 years old, searched voluntarily the help of the psychological services of Universidad San Francisco de Quito. Once the primary demand was analyzed and the goals for therapy set, the hypothesis was created which says that with Gestalt therapy the patient will be able to integrate certain aspects of his self which will directly affect the reduction of the intensity of symptoms of the patient. This case study combined a qualitative and quantitative mythology in order to prove the hypothesis. The Symptoms Test Revised Inventory 90 (SCL-90-R) was used to analyze the changes of intensity of symptoms, while certain elements of Gestalt therapy was used to analyze the integration of the patients self. Reduction of the symptoms found in the results of the Symptoms Test Revised Inventory 90 (SCL-90-R), indicates the effectiveness of Gestalt therapy with patients suffering from paternal-filial problems.

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