Sharing knowledge and experiences on innovation processes farmer of biotechnological base, between producers, involved investigators and other social actors in the Andes region


In the context of knowledge management about biotechnology and its application in participatory rural innovation proceses, and as a component in the proyect entitled: Application of biotechnological instruments in the genetic improvement of black beans IFOR higher production levels and grain quality, an International meeting of Andean Rural Enterprises using Biotechnological inputs for Endogenous Development took place in Maracay, Venezuela. The event was planned as a proccess of participatory action research, aimed at knowledge and experiences sharing among farmers, researcher and technicians from the Andean Comunity of Nations (CAN.) In the framework of the event, a Forum on Biotechnology and Rural Innovation took place, as well as several presentations of experiences related to the use of biotechnological products en the Andean countries. It included also miniworkshops for analysis and discussions of such experiences, and for the identification of building and restrictive factors influencing these type of initiatives, including proposals for future initiatives. Likewise, a field visit to four Venezuelan rural biotechnological enterprises manager by farmers in Sanare, Lara State, was realized. Among the results of this meeting, was evident the fruitfull knowledge and experiences sharing between the participants, and the stablishment of a framework for proyects like the Andean Consortium of Participant Innovations, with institutional support of nacional agricultural research systems, IICA/PROCIANDINO and FONTAGRO and finantial resources from the Neatherlands and Swiss governments. From the proposals generated in the meeting, a special project on biological control of Maize and beans pests using Thrichoderma sp, in selected areas of Venezuela was formulated and financed with support of the BID/FONACIT Program in Agricultural biotechnology.

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    Acceso restringido

    Áreas de conocimiento:

    • Innovación
    • Ciencia agraria
    • Ciencias Agrícolas

    Áreas temáticas: