Sistema de actividades en WhatsApp como recurso educativo para la ense?anza aprendizaje del ?Teorema de Pit?goras?, en los estudiantes del d?cimo a?o de EGB de la Unidad Educativa ?Luis Cordero?
The present investigation is to improve the teaching-learning process in the area of mathematics regarding the theme of "Pythagorean theorem" through the implementation of WhatsApp as an educational resource. The general objective of it is to propose the implementation of the use of WhatsApp as an educational resource, through audiovisual material, activities, for the learning of mathematics in relation to the theme of Pythagorean theorem in the 10th year of EGB of the educational unit ?Luis Cordero. " The activities used through WhatsApp as an educational resource are videos, documentaries, activities, exercises, monitoring and accompaniment. The methodology is based on the mixed approach, as research methods and instruments such as observation, interview, survey, pretest and posttest are used, which allow diagnosing the problem and measuring the contribution of the work. The methodological process is organized from the dimension: implementation of WhatsApp as an educational resource, which is studied based on three indicators: knowledge, procedure and motivation. Work activities have been organized through development, implementation and evaluation. As research results, the implementation of WhatsApp as an educational resource in mathematics regarding the theme of "Pythagorean Theorem" has been considered to have contributed to the improvement in knowledge, concepts and significant study and development, expressing some motivation, participation and therefore interest. Therefore, it is concluded that the implementation of WhatsApp as an educational resource in the 10th year of EGB corresponding to the subject of mathematics referring to the theme of "Pythagorean Theorem" is a beneficial alternative for the adequate learning and improvement of the process.
Año de publicación:
- Matem?tica
- Mathematics
- Recurso educativo
- educational resource
- Pythagorean theorem
- Teorema de pit?goras
Tipo de documento:
Bachelor Thesis
Acceso abierto
Áreas de conocimiento:
- Tecnología educativa
Áreas temáticas:
- Programación informática, programas, datos, seguridad
- Escuelas y sus actividades; educación especial