Studying Geographic Inequalities in Mortality in Contexts with Deficient Data Sources: Lessons from Ecuador
Background: In Ecuador, there are inequalities in the completeness and quality of the mortality registry between men and women and among geographical areas. Consequently, using cause of death statistics leads to several difficulties. Our aim was to analyze geographical inequalities in mortality due to some of the main specific causes of death in the provinces of Ecuador (2001-2016) after correction for the deficiencies found in the mortality registry. Methods: This ecologic study used mortality data from 2001 to 2016 for the 22 provinces of Ecuador at the beginning of the study period. We assessed completeness using death distribution methods for the intercensal period 2001-2010. We assessed quality by estimating the percentage of garbage codes for the entire study period. We corrected mortality using completeness as a correction factor and applying a garbage code bkp_redistribution protocol. We estimated age-standardized mortality ratios in the provinces of Ecuador for men and women, before and after applying the correction methods. Results: We found substantial changes in the number of deaths due to the selected causes after garbage code bkp_redistribution and correction for completeness. These changes corresponded to the deficiencies in completeness and quality found in the study areas and the manner in which garbage codes were bkp_redistributed to each of the studied causes. We observed changes in the geographical patterns of mortality due to specific causes. Conclusions: Correcting deficiencies in the mortality registry resulted not only in changes in the number of deaths but also in the geographical patterns of mortality in Ecuador.
Año de publicación:
- Geographical inequalities
- Vital statistics
- Health inequalities
- Cause of death
- Mortality
Tipo de documento:
Acceso restringido
Áreas de conocimiento:
- Demografía
- Epidemiología
- Geografía
Áreas temáticas:
- Factores que afectan al comportamiento social
- Problemas sociales y servicios a grupos
- Otros problemas y servicios sociales