The importance of teaching strategies in the pre, during and post reading comprehension process in the english language with the students of eight basic grade “c1” of “Camilo Destruge” Public High School


Reading is a fundamental fact about the way such skill can provide critical thinking no matter what language it may be read in. What matters is the conceptual understanding that goes along with reading. In today’s society, the need to learn a language is crucial and reading is part of the four competences that every language in the world shares, reading, writing, listening, and speaking. This thesis will be centered on reading comprehension due to the fact that this investigation is based on such skill. Reading is a technique that is based mostly in giving confident to students than anything else. Sounding loud when reading is not going to improve your pronunciation nor give you the proper sentences stress or make you sound American, speaking native English. However, practicing will give you confidence about what you are saying and it will give you the proper pronunciation from the teacher or other students if time allows it and or your teacher allows it. It is believed that such on the spot correction is helpful for students as a whole, period. It should not humiliate anyone with an accent if the teacher or anyone else decides to correct the mistakes in pronunciation right then. If you don’t risk it, you will never achieve anything. The first chapter will give us the problem and all the parameters about it like why such problem is always addressed in such manner and sows low improvement as a whole, the demographics it affects in learning the language and how it was identified. The second chapter will be about the methodology that best applies for such problem, the approach and techniques that can also be added and modified in order for this objective could be reached and students could benefit from it. The third chapter will show the percentages and the results of the students’ surveys, the evidence about the presence of the problem and the best way to improve such deficiencies. And finally the proposal will be in chapter four with the best description on how this dependent variable will be neutralized in the classroom

Año de publicación:



  • reading



Tipo de documento:

Bachelor Thesis


Acceso abierto

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Pedagogía
  • Pedagogía

Áreas temáticas:

  • Uso del inglés estándar
  • Enseñanza primaria
  • Inglés e inglés antiguo (anglosajón)