Valoración del bajo peso, sobrepeso y obesidad de los niñosy niñas de la Escuela Carlos Rigoberto Vintimilladel cantón Cuenca 2010-2011
Objective: To determine the prevalence of the low weight, on weight and obesity of the children and children of the School to Car them Rigoberto Vintimilla´´ of the Corner River basin, by means of the valuation of the weight/age, carves/age, using the curves of the MSP, formulas of Nelson, and Index of Corporal Mass (IMC), according to the percentiles of Cronk C. Roche To a.m. J Clin. Material and Methods: It is a cross-sectional descriptive study, to determine the prevalence of the low weight, overweight and obesity in niños/as of 7 to 12 years of the School “Carlos Rigoberto Vintimilla” of the Corner River basin. The source of the obtained data is primary; criteria emitted by the family parents and anthropometric data of the studied children. The integrated universe of 212 students and one shows of 156 who were taken at random from equitable way between the parallels. The rise of the data was realized by means of the control of weight and charts, valued to traverse the percentiles of Weight/Age and Stature/Age according to the curves of growth of the M.S.P (Ministry of Public Health), the formulas of Nelson, related to the age and sex of the studied population, also was come to calculate the I.M.C (Index of Corporal Mass) for which was used the values percentilares taken from Cronk C. Roche To a.m. J Clin. In agreement with the data collected in the valuation of the weight/age according to Nelson we have the following results: 24.2% of Low weight, 14,0% of On weight and 9,6% Obesity. Results: In the chapters of presentation and information one was the variables, and the tables ordinates according to the logic of the forms of information harvesting organize tables of frequencies, graphs, calculations of indices averages and percentiles. Conclusion: It is a project that allows us to delineate to future plans of action of infirmary for the prevention of low weight, on weight, and obesity jointly with the authorities of the Ministry of Health, professors and parents of family.
Año de publicación:
- Sobrepeso
- factores socioeconómicos
- niño
- Encuestas Nutricionales
- Estándares de referencia
- Pesos Y Medidas Corporales
- estudiantes
Tipo de documento:
Bachelor Thesis
Acceso abierto
Áreas de conocimiento:
- Obesidad
- Salud pública
Áreas temáticas:
- Ginecología, obstetricia, pediatría, geriatría
- Problemas sociales y servicios a grupos
- Escuelas y sus actividades; educación especial