Virtual classrooms and their use, measured with a statistical technique: The case of the Technical University of Ambato - Ecuador


The following research has as an objective, to measure the virtual classes that teachers use to reinforce full-time classes. For this, the Department of Distance and Virtual Education (DeaDV) and the Technical University of Ambato - Ecuador, gave access to the necessary information to the development of this research, they were created in 2017, there were a total of 1966 virtual classes, distributed between 9 faculties and 36 degrees, benefiting 10449 students. With the objective of measuring the rate between the use percentage of the virtual classes created by DeaDV, in the different faculties and degrees in the university, the Anova statistic technique is used in this research. First of all, the numeric variable percentage of the use of virtual classes was proven to comply with the normal condition with the Shapiro Wilk and it also complies with the homoscedasticity assumption with the Levene test. The normality assumptions complied, but not the homoscedasticity, but the equality of the variances is not a limitant to run the Anova test, then it proceeded with the one factor Anova test, which was found to have significant differences in regard to the use of virtual classes, meaning that the use percentage of the virtual classes in the faculties were not the same in all of them, to determine which of the faculties have a greater use of the virtual classes, it proceeded to run Post Hoc tests and compare between faculties with the Games-Howell test.

Año de publicación:



  • Virtual classes
  • ict
  • Games-Howell
  • One factor Anova
  • stadistics



Tipo de documento:

Conference Object


Acceso restringido

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Tecnología educativa

Áreas temáticas:

  • Escuelas y sus actividades; educación especial
  • Educación
  • Educación superior