[Nutritional status of banana under the interaction doses of potassium, nematicide and insecticide frequency at Tingo Maria [Peru]]
[Nutritional status of banana under the interaction doses of potassium, nematicide and insecticide frequency at Tingo Maria [Peru]] FAO_logo AGRIS home-icon English Español Français العربية 中文 Русский Thesis Thesis [Nutritional status of banana under the interaction doses of potassium, nematicide and insecticide frequency at Tingo Maria [Peru]] [1978] Gonzalez Ramirez, I.; Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva, Tingo Maria (Peru). Programa Academico de Agronomia [Corporate Author] Access the full text NOT AVAILABLE Lookup at Google Scholar google-logo Bibliographic information Language: Spanish Type: Thesis In AGRIS since: 1981 Extent: 102 p. All titles: "[Nutritional status of banana under the interaction doses of potassium, nematicide and insecticide frequency at Tingo Maria [Peru]]"@eng Other: "44 tables, 71 ref. Summary (Es) *PE-UNAS, Tingo Maria (Peru)" Loading... Translate with Google …
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Áreas de conocimiento:
- Ciencia agraria
- Ciencias Agrícolas
Áreas temáticas:
- Agricultura y tecnologías afines
- Huertos, frutas, silvicultura
- Microorganismos, hongos y algas