Aplicación de métodos geológicosgeofísicos para la caracterización y dinámica de movimientos de ladera y su correlación con un sistema de monitoreo en tiempo real Aplicado en el sector La Urna , ChontacruzLoja


Abstract:The research topic is oriented to know the problematic of the slope movement in the route of Neighborhood Integration sector "La Urna" Chontacruz - Loja. Different techniques were applied integrating DRON (unmanned aerial vehicle - VANT), differential GPS, Real Time Kinematic (RTK), Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), rain gauge, humidity sensors and geotechnical tests to obtain effective results. Thus, DRON was used to determine areas affected by the movement by setting up monitoring stations. In addition, according to the results obtained with differential GPS it is considered that the displacement kinematics is very slow with an average rate of 0.297 m/year. This also corroborated the ideal functioning of the RTK technique through the conversion of coordinates. Applying ERT with the Dipole-Dipole configuration, the resistivities of the lithological materials of the study area were determined in order to define the depth of the possible sliding plane. Subsequently, with the results of the rain gauge and humidity sensors, saturated soil was demonstrated, increasing in times of high rainfall. Finally, according to geotechnical tests, low to medium compressibility silts and clays are found.

Año de publicación:



  • Deslizamiento de tierras.
  • Ingeniero en geología y minas
  • Geología.



Tipo de documento:

Bachelor Thesis


Acceso abierto

Áreas de conocimiento:

    Áreas temáticas:

    • Ciencias de la tierra
    • Geología, hidrología, meteorología
    • Ingeniería civil