Aspectos morfométricos de dos especies de la familia Ariidae en el estuario interior del Golfo de Guayaquil


This project seeks to characterize the morphometric measurements of two catfish species of the Ariidae family in the inner estuary of Guayaquil’s gulf. The samples were obtained from the commercial capture that took place in the inner estuary of Guayaquil’s gulf. During this sampling process eighteen morphometric measures were obtaining of each individual though the use of an ichthyometer and a Vernier Caliper. The decision variables of morphometric measures were related through a liner regression model and the correlation coefficient. Approximately, 226 organisms were analyzed and 52.1% of those belong to Notarius troschelii and 47.79 % were Ariopsis guatemalensis. The Linear Regression analysis showed that the allometry regarding this model is negative with a slope (b) < 1 while the correlation coefficient for both species were greater than 0.51. Similarly, the height-to-weight ratio showed high correlation coefficient and a negative allometry with a slope < 3. The results of this project may be a guide to show the different physiological conditions of the species as well as the relation between the fluctuations of the biotic condition regarding the environment in Guayaquil’s Gulf.

Año de publicación:



  • Morfometría



Tipo de documento:

Bachelor Thesis


Acceso abierto

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Zoología
  • Biología
  • Zoología

Áreas temáticas:

  • Arthropoda
  • Vertebrados de sangre fría
  • Mammalia