A n EFL Writing Case Study of a Student at the Language Department of the Army Polytechnic School-TEFL Program Portfolio


The current study was conducted in order to document student work including instructional materials, samples of student works and assessments through elaborating a portfolio which focuses on improving the writing skill. Therefore, it constitutes a case study to improve the writing skill for EFL. The subject of this study is an Ecuadorian eighteen year old girl. She is attending a two- hour course which belongs to fifth and sixth level out of eight levels that make the sufficiency program of English as a Foreign Language at the Language Department of the Army University during the term March- July 2012. A detailed description of this study and the impact that managing the writing skill can have in EFL students were described to all class at the beginning of the course; therefore, the selection of the subject was performed by interest; the student, participant of this study showed a highlighted motivation toward the whole activity. A pre-test was applied to establish the weaknesses in order to work on them by means of providing the student the appropriate feedback. Afterwards, a post test was applied to measure the improvement of those specific points. These activities constituted the starting point of the whole project since they allowed determining the student´s previous knowledge giving the basis to arrange activities throughout the process. Therefore, the development of each artifact led the student to achieve a higher level of writing skill by working with better fluency, arrangement, content, outline, mechanics and vocabulary progressively.

Año de publicación:



  • Inglés – Enseñanza
  • Maestría en Enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera - Tesis
  • Metodos de enseñanza



Tipo de documento:

Master Thesis


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Áreas de conocimiento:

    Áreas temáticas:

    • Retórica y colecciones literarias
    • Educación
    • Lengua