Auditoria educativa del desempe?o profesional directivo en una escuela de modalidad multigrado de la zona 6 de educaci?n


Among the problems of greatest magnitude that currently affect the education sector are related to the difficulty in complying with quality standards, making the support and guidance of the authorities necessary to comply with the established policies. The objective of this article is focused on knowing the situational status of the educational institution corresponding to the standards of professional managerial performance, through the emulation of an educational audit process, to determine if the new educational audit model provides the same results both in a complete institution as in a multigrade. The methodology of this study was carried out under the qualitative approach, the design used corresponds to a field study and includes the analysis of a case study, for which the director of a multigrade modality school was selected; Using as a data collection instrument the survey and interview developed in order to know the level of knowledge about the audit process proposed by the New Educational Management Model, as well as the current state of the institution with respect to quality standards, Obtaining as a result that there is good management in educational management by the director, he attends continuous training to keep up to date, proposes projects that involve the educational community and provides support to teachers and students, however the need to receive an audit is evident that has not been carried out in recent years as established by the Ministry.

Año de publicación:



  • Auditor?a educativa
  • Desempe?o profesional
  • Educational audit
  • Managerial professional
  • Escuelas multigrado
  • Est?ndares de calidad
  • Quality standards
  • Multigrade schools



Tipo de documento:

Master Thesis


Acceso abierto

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Pedagogía

Áreas temáticas:

  • Educación
  • Escuelas y sus actividades; educación especial
  • Educación superior