Autoimmune/autoinflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (Asia) in dermatological patients, five years after filler injections for cosmetic purposes
Introduction:Theidealfillingmaterialusedforcosmeticpurposes mustbesafe, biocompatible, non-immunogenic, long-lastingand non-migrating to other tissues. However, this material does not exist yet. Objectives: Tocharacterizetheclinicalandparaclinical conditions of a group of patients who presented between 2010 and 2011 with complications associated with the application of filling material in an aesthetic procedure. The patients were reevaluatedfiveyearslater, between2016and2017, todetermine prevalence of symptoms compatible with the «autoimmune syndromeinducedbyadjuvants»(ASIA). Materialandmethods: A descriptive, longitudinal, cross-sectional study was conducted with 82 patients who were evaluated with a medical exam and a survey. Results: 37.3%had reactivation of local symptoms, in generalcutaneousreactionsand29%reported«typical»systemic manifestations of ASIA with 18% (15/24) of them with two or more of the following symptoms: myalgias, myositis or muscle weakness (19/24), arthralgia and/or arthritis (10/24), chronic fatigue, unrefreshingsleeporsleepdisorders(10/24)andcognitive impairment or memory loss (3/24). Conclusions: In our group of patients, cutaneous signs were a frequent finding five years after injecting biofillers. In addition, systemic manifestations of a nonspecific autoimmune disease was a frequent finding in about 30 %of the patients, alerting us about the possibility of ASIA in patients withcosmetic fillers.
Año de publicación:
- Cosmetic purposes
- Asia
- Filler material
Tipo de documento:
Acceso restringido
Áreas de conocimiento:
- Inmunología
- Inmunología
- Medicamento
Áreas temáticas:
- Enfermedades
- Farmacología y terapéutica