Bupivacaína al 0.5% mas buprenorfina vs bupivacaína al 0.5% más morfina para el manejo del dolor postoperatorio en anestesia peridural en cesárea electiva


Introduction :The surgical pain after cesarean section interferes with the mother-son, with negative consequences for this important binomial (1). Opioids are the most drugs used in the treatment of pain and morphine is the most commonly used in epidural anesthesia to alleviate the intra- and postoperative pain (2). Objective. Compare the degree and duration of postoperative analgesia between 200 ug of buprenorphine and 2 mg of morphine associated with bupivacaine in epidural anesthesia in elective cesarean section Methodology This is a controlled clinical trial randomized single-blind study in patients undergoing cesarean section with epidural anesthesia. We studied two equal groups: group A (n= 84) received bupivacaine more buprenorphine 200 ug track epidural and group B (n= 84) received bupivacaine plus 2 mg of morphine. RESULTS: The percentage of patients with moderate and severe pain is greater in the group A. The averages of the intensity of the pain were lower in group B, p<0.05. There were no statistically significant differences in the averages of the heart rate, oxygen saturation and blood pressure. There is a higher frequency of side effects in the group to 20 (11.9 %) in relation to group B 6 (3.6 %). RR 1,707; 95% CI 1.183 - 2,109; p-value=0.003. The nausea was more frequent in the group to 14 (8.6 %), p-value=0.046. We didn’t observed in the two groups cases of respiratory depression, urinary retention or headache. There were 7 (4.3 %) patients with pruritus in group A. Conclusions: the use of buprenorphine in the epidural anesthesia provides better analgesia, and minor side effects

Año de publicación:



  • Bupivacaína
  • Analgesia En Cesareas
  • Eventos adversos



Tipo de documento:

Master Thesis


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Áreas de conocimiento:

    Áreas temáticas:

    • Cirugía y especialidades médicas afines
    • Enfermedades
    • Ginecología, obstetricia, pediatría, geriatría