Calidad de vida de los familiares que cuidan a niños/as menores de 5 años con discapacidad en el Centro de Rehabilitación Integral Especializado, cuenca, 2015
Antecedents.- to recognize the effort and the family caretakers’ who work with children with disabilities, is to speak of constant learning that one gives, not alone in the rehabilitation centers but in their homes. In relation to Martha Osorio in her study of the quality of life, it should be considered that taking care of children with disabilities implies more time of care and attention. The quality of the family caretakers' life and of the assisted children can present demographic, economic, psychological partner and balance changes with good inclinations or of deterioration of the physical or psychological area that determines the attention that you/they receive or they provide, for it finds high-priority to carry out this investigation. (1) Objective.- he/she thought about: To determine the quality of the relatives' life that you/they take care of children smaller than 5 years with disabilities in the "Specialized Center of Integral Rehabilitation" Cuenca, 2015 Methodology. - The investigation is quantitative, of descriptive type of traverse court. He/she had a sample of 99 family caretakers, according to the applied formula. To gather the information a questionnaire of structured interview, the tabulation of the data that was used he/she was carried out in Excel 2010 and SPSS 15, the results are presented in their respective charts with frequencies and percentages. Usage of results. - The obtained results will be able to serve as a base to carry out future investigations, a problem with minimal study, this information will also be socialized to the authorities of the Center of Rehabilitation, so that they take the measures that are considered necessary.
Año de publicación:
- Discapacidad
- niño
- calidad de vida
- Cuestionario Icub

Tipo de documento:
Bachelor Thesis
Acceso abierto
Áreas de conocimiento:
- Discapacidad
- Salud Pública
Áreas temáticas:
- Problemas sociales y servicios a grupos
- Grupos de personas