Caracterización de indicadores familiares asociados con la vulnerabilidad ante la crisis desde la perspectiva de padres, madres o representantes de alumnos de octavo, noveno, décimo año de educación básica, primero, segundo y tercero de bachillerato de la ciudad de Loja


The purpose of this study is to describe 26 factors that are linked to family vulnerability in a sample of families with adolescents currently enrolled in high schools in Loja, Ecuador. The research was conducted through the survey “¿Cómo es su familia?” (Hernández, 1996) in a sample of 243 families with children between eighth grade of basic education and third grade of medium education –according to the Ecuadorian high school system-. Using a descriptive statistics analysis we constructed a family profile that shows the main factors linked to a medium-high level of vulnerability: a tendency to solve problems without external sources of support and a low number of family members who contribute to family income. At the same time, the profile shows that the factors linked to low levels of vulnerability are: low accumulation of stressful events in the last year and low incidence of problems that could affect family dynamics

Año de publicación:



  • familia
  • Licenciado en Psicología – Tesis y disertaciones académicas
  • Vulnerabilidad familiar
  • Familias de Loja - Investigación



Tipo de documento:

Bachelor Thesis


Acceso abierto

Áreas de conocimiento:

    Áreas temáticas:

    • Cultura e instituciones
    • Educación
    • Crianza de niños y cuidado de personas en el hogar