Coercive measures from patients’ psychological point of view


Introduction: Two reliable and valid assessment tools have been found that measure the psychic impact of coercive techniques on mental patients. The existence of these tools enables continuity in research on the subject. Objective: This paper reviews the preferences of the patients of the health institutions about different coercive measures. Methods: A systematic bibliographic search was carried out in digital databases and other sources. Peer review of the works was carried out, using as a thematic criterion of inclusion, the relevance in the topics to be treated. After examining the summary, body and conclusions, those whose content referred to were selected: (1) the experiences of the patients and staff when the coercive measures were applied; (2) patients’ preferences about these; (3) preventive measures; and (4) necessary care.. Body: The studies reviewed point to the ethical danger that leads to the use or misapplication of these coercive protocols. It should be taken into account that the physical integrity of health personnel is also at risk in the treatment of psychiatric patients. In this dilemma between the preservation of the patient’s dignity and the safety of the personnel, various measures have been proposed, both ancillary and compensatory, as well as substitute for these techniques that are detrimental to the mental health of patients. The purpose of these measures is to avoid the use of these coercive techniques. Conclusion: communication between the personnel implementing these measures and the patient receiving them is essential for a good “therapeutic alliance” and the correct development of the treatment.

Año de publicación:



  • Mechanical containment
  • Involuntary admission
  • coercive measures
  • Forced medication
  • Isolation
  • Intervention protocol



Tipo de documento:



Acceso restringido

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Psicología

Áreas temáticas:

  • Enfermedades