Comparación en el uso de lijas de stripping y air rotor en apiñamientos ligeros en la zona anterior inferior.


The waste dentario interproximal it is a technique that consists on the reduction of approximately half of the thickness of enamel in the expensive mesiales and distales of the teeth. It is mainly suitable ta to solve the packing dentario since one can obtain up to 10 mm of space the reduction of the previous and later teeth has movin advantage that alone the quantity of space is obtained that is required with out necessity of sacrificing healthy teeth. Is carried out following a rigorous sequence of steps that you include the determination of the quantity of enamel to eliminate, realization of the waste like sush, recontorneado, refined and protection with fluorine of the surfaces. Which should be completed to cabalidad so that the procedure doesn’t have adverse effects has more than enough them knitted dentario nei ther surrounding. Up to now it has not been demonstrated that this procedure has effects cariogénicos, periodontal neither adverse endodónticos, to weigh that it produces grooves in the enamel, it causes proximity radicular and it diminishes the layer of protective enamel. For I finish has a positive effect in the stability post treatment of the cases.

Año de publicación:



  • Complicaciones Postoperatorias



Tipo de documento:



Acceso abierto

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Odontología

Áreas temáticas:

  • Instrumentos de precisión y otros dispositivos
  • Cirugía y especialidades médicas afines