Comportamiento agronómico de dos variedades mejoradas de Trigo (triticum vulgare l.) con aplicación de abonadura orgánica en el sector de San Antonio de Ibarra, provincia de Imbabura


The present investigation work was carried out in the parish of San Antonio of Ibarra in the county of Imbabura, to 5,5 km of the canton Ibarra, occupies a surface of 29, 07 km, it consists of coordinated geographical 0º 20' 8,86" of north latitude and 78º 11' 38,54" of longitude west. It possesses a cold climate in the high part of the moor that is from the 2,800 until the 4,620 msnm, and temperate corresponding to the center populated 2,040 msnm up to the 2,800; their temperature average is of 9,8 in the high part and the 17° C reaches in the low part. The floors are frank sandy, the relief is a so much bowed with a slope that he/she goes from the 4 to 12%. it was used as siembra material the improved varieties of wheat INIAP - Cojitambo and INIAP - Zhalao 2003, intraccionados with worm humus (2500 kg/ha), Payment of sheep (3000 kg/ha) and the Witness without application, used the denominated experimental design "you Parcel Divided", with two treatments (wheat varieties), three sub tratamientos (types of organic payments) and three repetitions and for the comparisons of the measures the test of Tukey was used, to 5% of probabilities. During the handling of the experiment he/she was carried out the analysis of floors, preparation of the floor, organic abonadura, siembra of the cultivation, watering, controls fitosanitarios, control of overgrowths and it harvests. The evaluated data were plant height (cm) to the 40, 80 and 120 days starting from the emergency, days to the espigamiento, spike longitude (cm), grains for spike, weight of 1000 grains, yield kg/ha and economic analysis.

Año de publicación:



  • Comportamiento Agronómico
  • Cultivo De Trigo
  • Abonaduras Orgánicas



Tipo de documento:

Bachelor Thesis


Acceso abierto

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Ciencia agraria
  • Ciencias Agrícolas

Áreas temáticas:

  • Agricultura y tecnologías afines
  • Técnicas, equipos y materiales
  • Cultivos de campo y plantaciones