Comportamiento de dos cultivares de zanahoria Daucus carota L. frente a patógenos


The present research, was conducted in the agricultural venue "MELKILARI", located in the enclosure Los Ángeles, Babahoyo Canton, Los Ríos province. This study consisted in: 1) Evaluate the incidence of pathogens in carrot cultivation (Daucus Carota L), 2) Determine the carrot cultivation with best behavior to address phytosanitary problems and 3) to make an economic analysis of the treatments. Since only two carrots cultivars were studied, for the interpretation of the results a paired Student T test was used; 20 samples were used for each block and cultivars. The factors studied were, carrot Chantenay Red Core and Carota Nantes Kuroda, the incidence of the disease, the presence of necrosis, rot and agronomic data such as plant height, root weight, weight plant with root, root long and wide, number of leaves, data analyses were performed by using the Chi square test. It was detected the presence of Sclerotium rolfsii sacc in Carota Nantes Kuroda variety with 8.75% incidence. Regarding necrosis Chantenay Red Core variety presented 0.19%, while 0.80% was detected in variety Carota Nantes Kuroda, in terms of rot, Chantenay Red Core variety presented 0.33%, while 0.20% was presented in variety Carota Nantes Kuroda, as a result of the attack of centipede (Scolopendra cingulata), being the most affected Chantenay variety. Greater plant height was presented by Carota Nantes Kuroda variety and the greater weight of the root was presented in Chantenay Red Core. According to the detail of the costs, Chantenay obtained the greater profit / cost with a benefit net of 3.184,92 USD, while the variety Carota Nantes Kuroda obtained 2.289,34 USD.

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Tipo de documento:

Bachelor Thesis


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Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Fitopatología
  • Ciencias Agrícolas

Áreas temáticas:

  • Cultivos de huerta (horticultura)
  • Microorganismos, hongos y algas
  • Lesiones, enfermedades y plagas de las plantas