Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de los adolescentes medios de los colegios César Dávila, Une del Azuay, Inmaculada, sobre discapacidades en los recién nacidos, Cuenca año lectivo 2010-2011
This researchwas conductedof 441teenagersCésarDávilaAndrade, Inmaculadaand UNEAzuay high schools, applying a precapsto determinethe current knowledgethatadolescentshaveregarding the issue, subsequently carried outeducational workshops,and finallyuse apostcaps. It alsodeveloped amoduleon disability prevention, with emphasis on the issue ofteen pregnancyas a risk factorfordisability,to be deliveredto schoolswherethe research was conducted. The aimwas to raise thelevel of knowledge,answer questionsand stimulateinterest aboutthe issues. Muchremains to be donein sex education,and especiallymatters relatingto disability, so thatjoint actionshould be implementedin coordinationwith health, education, family, community, media, for the prevention of disabilities. This studyis descriptive,quasi-experimental, main characteristics ofthe study population:urban sectors, students from the tenth andfourth years. Keywords: Knowledge, attitudes, practices, meansteenagers, teenage pregnancy, disability. DeCS: Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice; Developmental Disabilities- prevention & control; Infant, Newborn-growth & development; Adolescent; Students; Cuenca-Ecuador.
Año de publicación:
- Embarazo adolescente
- Estimulación Temprana
Tipo de documento:
Bachelor Thesis
Acceso abierto
Áreas de conocimiento:
Áreas temáticas:
- Educación
- Escuelas y sus actividades; educación especial
- Problemas sociales y servicios a grupos