Correlación diagnóstica entre el ecocardiograma bidimensional y el estudio angiográfico - hemodinámico en pacientes con valvulopatías cardíacas, estudio a realizarse en el Hospital Abel GIlbert Pontón Servicio de Hemodinamia e Intervencionismo Cardiovascular entre el período 2013 - 2016


INTRODUCTION Among valvular diseases, aortic valvulopathy is the most common, with a prevalence of stenosis increasing with age and occurring in approximately 25% of the population over 65 years and in more than 48% of those over 75 years of age, While the degree of aortic insufficiency has a prevalence reaching 30% in patients over 65 years. The present study will test the degree of correlation and diagnostic certainty between the echocardiogram and the cardiac catheterization, in order to know if it is justifiable to carry out a hemodynamic study in all patients with valvular disease or to which group specifically Perform this procedure. METHODS In a sample of 57 patients who underwent both echocardiogram and cardiac catheterization. It was compared if at the end of each of the two tests, they coincided in the diagnosis of valvular disease. RESULTS Analyzing the results, we found that after performing cardiac catheterization in patients with valvular disease, 3 different types of results could be found: 1) COINCIDE, 2) NOT COINCIDE, and 3) COINCIDE PARTIALLY. The results obtained were that in 38.64% the previous diagnosis, done with the echocardiogram coincided with the study of catheterization pressures. Likewise, 35.08% of echocardiographic studies did not coincide with the hemodynamic study. Finally, in 28.07% of the cases, both studies were partially coincident either by the addition of a new diagnosis, by the omission of the diagnosis, or by a different stratification in the degree of severity of valvular disease.

Año de publicación:



  • Ecocardiografia
  • Hospital de Especialidades Guayaquil Dr. Abel Gilbert Pontón
  • Valvulas cardíacas
  • Hemodinamica
  • Angiografía



Tipo de documento:

Bachelor Thesis


Acceso abierto

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Enfermedad cardiovascular

Áreas temáticas:

  • Medicina forense; incidencia de enfermedades
  • Enfermedades