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Geological Society of America(1)
Journal of Archaeological Science(1)
US Geological Survey(1)
Estimating rates of decompression from textures of erupted ash particles produced by 1999–2006 eruptions of Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador
OtherAbstract: Persistent low- to moderate-level eruptive activity of andesitic volcanoes is difficult to monitor bPalabras claves:Autores:Minard L HallFuentes:googleObservación instrumental de lahares en el volcán Tungurahua entre abril-2000 y agosto-2001
OtherAbstract: La presencia de lahares ha sido una de las consecuencias de la fase eruptiva del volcán Tungurahua iPalabras claves:Autores:Minard L HallFuentes:googleObsidian source characterization in the Cordillera Real and eastern piedmont of the north Ecuadorian Andes
ArticleAbstract: Recent research in the Quijos and Cosanga valleys of the eastern piedmont of Ecuador's Cordillera RePalabras claves:Andes, ECUADOR, Obsidian procurement, Obsidian provenance, Quijos, XRF and NAAAutores:Cuéllar A., Glascock M., Hall M.L., Knight C., Minard L Hall, Patricia A. MothesFuentes:googlescopusLas nubes de ceniza del Volcán Tungurahua entre Octubre 1999 y Septiembre 2001
OtherAbstract: El seguimiento visual de la actividad eruptiva del volcán Tungurahua permitió conocer con mas exactiPalabras claves:Autores:Minard L HallFuentes:googleReconnaissance Map of Potential Volcanic Hazards from Cotopaxi Volcano, Ecuador: Mapa de Reconocimiento de Riesgos Volganicos Potenciales Del Volcan Cotopaxi, Ecuador
OtherAbstract: RECONNAISSANCE MAP OF POTENTIAL VOLCANIC HAZARDS FROM COTOPAXI VOLCANO, ECUADOR MAPA DE RECONOCIMIENPalabras claves:Autores:Minard L HallFuentes:googlePrecursory seismicity of the 1998-2000 eruption of Pichincha volcano, Ecuador
OtherAbstract: Volcanic seismicity can provide constraints on the nature and time scales of melt migration beneathPalabras claves:Autores:Minard L HallFuentes:googleThe plinian fallout associated with Quilotoa's 800 yr BP eruption, Ecuadorian Andes
OtherAbstract: Large volcanic eruptions at dacitic or rhyolitic volcanoes often generate exceptional volumes of finPalabras claves:Autores:Minard L HallFuentes:google