Miguel Vivas-Cortez
H-index Scopus
I10-index Google
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Volumen de publicaciones por año
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Año de publicación | Num. Publicaciones |
2006 | 1 |
2016 | 3 |
2017 | 5 |
2018 | 5 |
2019 | 4 |
2020 | 14 |
2021 | 19 |
2022 | 28 |
2023 | 5 |
Publicaciones por áreas de conocimiento
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Área de conocimiento | Num. Publicaciones |
Optimización matemática | 132 |
Matemáticas aplicadas | 6 |
Modelo matemático | 4 |
Sistema no lineal | 4 |
Ecuación diferencial | 3 |
Mecánica cuántica | 3 |
Proceso estocástico | 3 |
Ecuación diferencial parcial | 1 |
Publicaciones por áreas temáticas
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Área temática | Num. Publicaciones |
Análisis | 45 |
Álgebra | 33 |
Principios generales de matemáticas | 25 |
Matemáticas | 17 |
Probabilidades y matemática aplicada | 11 |
Aritmética | 9 |
Análisis numérico | 4 |
Física | 4 |
Microorganismos, hongos y algas | 1 |
Genética y evolución | 1 |
Principales fuentes de datos
Origen | Num. Publicaciones |
Scopus | 84 |
Google Scholar | 80 |
RRAAE | 0 |
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Coautores destacados por número de publicaciones
Coautor | Num. Publicaciones |
Kashuri A. | 21 |
Hernández J.E.H. | 21 |
Valdes J.E.N. | 11 |
Ali M.A. | 10 |
Awan M.U. | 9 |
Noor M.A. | 8 |
Kalsoom H. | 7 |
Yenny Rangel-Oliveros | 6 |
Saleem M.S. | 6 |
Talib S. | 5 |
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Publicaciones del autor
Asserting southern modernity. The recognition of “human nature” in sixteenth-century hispanic thought
ReviewAbstract: This study outlines a vindication of Hispanic thinking, which, in the heat of the Conquest of the AmPalabras claves:Conquest of America, Human nature, Ius gentium, The School of SalamancaAutores:Jorge Polo BlancoFuentes:googlescopusA critical approach to the anthropological, political and philosophical problems of legal pluralism
ArticleAbstract: We will try to critically examine the processes of constructing a new legal framework which were begPalabras claves:Common Law, Indigenous justice system, Legal colonialism, Legal monism, Legal pluralismAutores:Jorge Polo BlancoFuentes:scopusCounter-figures of the world's modern mercantilization. aristotle, Karl Polanyi and Sumak Kawsay
ArticleAbstract: In this paper, we aim to trace the economic and productivist logic that largely defined the developmPalabras claves:Aristotle, Karl Polanyi, Mercantilization, MODERNITY, sumak kawsayAutores:Jorge Polo BlancoFuentes:googlescopusDIALECTIC OF THE NATURAL AND THE ARTIFICIAL. AN ANALYSIS OF THE DISCURSIVE APPARATUS OF ANTI-SPANISH ETHNO-NATIONALISMS
ArticleAbstract: This paper offers a critique of the discursive apparatus wielded by regionalist and separatist ideolPalabras claves:Ethnic nation, Ethno-nationalism, Political nation, Separatism, sovereigntyAutores:Jorge Polo BlancoFuentes:googlescopusDehispanisation, nordomania and the decolonial turn. Past and contemporary crossroads of Hispano- America
ArticleAbstract: With this paper, we aim to contribute to clarifying the long-term political drifts in which the LatiPalabras claves:Decolonial turn, dehispanisation, delatinisation, hispanophobia, nordomaniaAutores:Jorge Polo BlancoFuentes:googlescopus