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Complex land cover change, water and sediment yield in a degraded Andean environment
OtherAbstract: Rapid land use/-cover change has increasingly transformed the hydrological functioning of tropical APalabras claves:Autores:ARMANDO MOLINA VERDUGO, DIEGO ESTEBAN MORA SERRANO, Diego Mora, Gerard Govers, Veerle Vanacker, Vincent BalthazarFuentes:googlerraaeAnálisis de la regulación hidrológica de lagunas en una zona de páramo del austro ecuatoriano Analysis of the hydrological regulation of reservoir in the Tomebamba basin in the …
OtherAbstract: Los ecosistemas alto andinos en especial los humedales y zonas de páramo son esenciales para las tiePalabras claves:Autores:DIEGO ESTEBAN MORA SERRANOFuentes:googleExtreme rainfall variations under climate change scenarios. Case of study in an Andean Tropical River Basin
OtherAbstract: Maximum rainfall events have triggered hazards that harm ecosystems and populations. Climate changePalabras claves:Autores:DIEGO ESTEBAN MORA SERRANOFuentes:googleForest transition and its impact on water and sediment fluxes in degraded Andean catchments
OtherAbstract: Forest transition and its impact on water and sediment fluxes in degraded Andean catchments | DIAL.pPalabras claves:Autores:DIEGO ESTEBAN MORA SERRANOFuentes:googleIMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON CATCHMENT RUNOFF FOR THE PAUTE RIVER BASIN IN THE SOUTHERN ECUADORIAN ANDES
OtherAbstract: The completion of a Ph. D study is a gratifying feeling, as it is also to remember all the colleaguePalabras claves:Autores:DIEGO ESTEBAN MORA SERRANOFuentes:googleIntegrated Assessment of Land Cover Change, and its Impact on Freshwater Resources in a Degraded Andean Catchment
OtherAbstract: Integrated Assessment of Land Cover Change, and its Impact on Freshwater Resources in a Degraded AndPalabras claves:Autores:DIEGO ESTEBAN MORA SERRANOFuentes:googleLong-term effects of climate and land cover change on freshwater provision in the tropical Andes.
OtherAbstract: Andean headwater catchments play a pivotal role to supply fresh water for downstream water users. HoPalabras claves:Autores:DIEGO ESTEBAN MORA SERRANOFuentes:googleSustainability of Water Quality and Ecology
OtherAbstract: This paper depicts opinions that condense the thinking of different sectors (ie, academia, governmenPalabras claves:Autores:DIEGO ESTEBAN MORA SERRANO, Luis Elvin Domínguez-GrandaFuentes:google