Ecuadorian kindergartners' numerical development: Contribution of SES, quality of early mathematics education, and school type


This study aimed at analyzing the development of Ecuadorian children's early numerical abilities during the Kindergarten year in relation to their SES, the quality of their early mathematics education, and the attended school type. 179 Ecuadorian Kindergartners (18 classrooms, 6 classrooms per school type) were offered a standards-based early numeracy test at both the start and the end of the Kindergarten year. In all classrooms, the quality of early mathematics education was assessed twice via the COEMET instrument. Results first showed rather low scores on the early numeracy test, with only 50% (at the start) up to 70% (at the end) of the items solved correctly, along with large inter-individual differences in these scores. Second, the quality of early mathematics education in the participating classrooms was also rather low. Third, children's early numerical abilities at Kindergarten entry, SES, and school type pbkp_redicted children's early numerical abilities at the end of the school year. The quality of early mathematics education did not contribute to children's numerical development. We critically discuss our findings in view of optimizing the quality of Ecuadorian early mathematics education as a stepping stone towards enhanced numerical development.

Año de publicación:



  • Habilidades numéricas iniciais
  • Early numerical abilities
  • Kindergarten
  • Nível sócio econômico (SES)
  • Quality of early mathematics education
  • SES
  • Qualidade da educação matemática inicial
  • Pré-escola



Tipo de documento:



Acceso restringido

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Educación matemática

Áreas temáticas:

  • Escuelas y sus actividades; educación especial
  • Enseñanza primaria
  • Cuestiones de política pública en materia de educación