Evaluación del desarrollo psicomotor a preescolares que asisten a los centros infantiles del Buen Vivir Santa Ana, San Agustín, Los Polluelitos y Anima, mediante la Escala Brunet-Lézine Revisado Cuenca, 2017


BACKGROUND: The Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion ensures child development through the Early Childhood Strategy with the Children's Centers of Good Living - CIBV, benefiting children with activities that allow the acquisition of motor, cognitive, social and communication skills. This work needs to be evidenced by a valuation of the psychomotor development in the CIBV of Cantón Cuenca. GENERAL OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the level of psychomotor development of children attending CIBV: “Santa Ana”, “San Agustín”, “Los Polluelitos” y “Anima", through the application of the "Brunet - Lézine Revisado Psychomotor Early Childhood Development Scale". Cuenca, 2017. METHODOLOGY: The study was quantitative of descriptive observational type of cross section, taking as universe the children who attend the CIBV: "Santa Ana", "San Agustín", "Los Polluelitos" and "Anima" of the Cuenca Canton (N = 130 The sample corresponds to the universe, and the "Brunet Scale - Revised Lézine" was applied as an instrument. For the analysis and tabulation of data, the following programs were used: SPSS Spanish version 20, Microsoft Excel 2013 and Microsoft Word 2013. RESULTS: The results will be delivered to the MIES, and published in the library of the University of Cuenca, and may be used by anyone who considers this information necessary. CONCLUSIONS: Of the 130 children evaluated, 5.4% obtained a global delay in the DPM, predominantly female with 3.1% and male with 2.3%. The area of most delay was the language followed by the postural.

Año de publicación:



  • Desarrollo Psicomotor
  • Estimulación Temprana



Tipo de documento:

Bachelor Thesis


Acceso abierto

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Psicometría
  • Pediatría

Áreas temáticas:

  • Fisiología humana
  • Psicología diferencial y del desarrollo
  • Enseñanza primaria