Examining the influence of customer-to-customer electronic word-of-mouth on purchase intention in social networking sites
Social networking sites (SNSs) have assumed an increasingly central role in the passage of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) among cosmetics users. However, the mechanism by which Customer to Customer (C2C) eWOM in SNSs influences consumer purchase intention has yet to be fully understood. This study develops a comprehensive research framework that focuses on the influence of C2C eWOM using information persuasion in reference to purchase decision making. This study collected data from a sample of 314 Taiwanese respondents, using paper-based questionnaires. The programs SPSS and Smart PLS were used to analyze the collected data. The results show that perceived persuasiveness, perceived informativeness, and source expertise are adequate pbkp_redictors of the usefulness of eWOM. Additionally, perceived persuasiveness, source expertise, and source trustworthiness significantly pbkp_redict the believability of eWOM with regard to SNSs. It was found that perceived usefulness and cbkp_redibility together increase the likelihood of the adoption of an eWOM message, and eWOM adoption has a strong mediating role in the influence of eWOM cbkp_redibility and usefulness on consumer purchase intention toward products recommended on SNSs. Since few previous studies have explored the mediating role of eWOM adoption on the influence of antecedents on consumer purchase intention, this study confirms the key mediating role exerted by eWOM adoption on the relationship between the usefulness and cbkp_redibility of eWOM and purchase intention. This empirical study can enable managers to better understand the effects of C2C eWOM from SNSs on consumer purchase behavior. Our results should also encourage marketers to work with SNSs to develop viral marketing campaigns, encouraging customers to spread useful and cbkp_redible C2C eWOM to improve purchase intentions.
Año de publicación:
- purchase intention
- social networking sites
- Information usefulness
- Information cbkp_redibility
- Information adoption
Tipo de documento:
Acceso abierto
Áreas de conocimiento:
- Marketing
- Red social
Áreas temáticas:
- Comercio
- Interacción social
- Dirección general