Teatro de sombras como estrategia didáctica para fortalecer la escritura, en el área de Lengua y Literatura con estudiantes de décimo año de EGB.


The following investigation exposes the didactic strategy: shadow theather, whose purpose is to strengthen writing, in the area of Language and Literature with the tenth-year students of EGB parallel “B” of the “Manuel Muñoz Cordero” school, period 2022 – 2023. Due to the fact that students present difficulties in developing some skills with performance criterio related to the correct use of spelling rules and expresión with different intentions. Thus was born the idea of using shadow theater to support students with writing difficulties and generate meaningful learning, allowing them to develop their cognitive process. For this, it was important to consider the theoretical references that contributed about the importance of writing and the use of shadow theater. This work was carried out under a socio-critical paradigm, with a qualitative methodology. The method used was research – action, the techniques that allowed data collection were participant observation, the interview with the teacher, the pre and post test, the instruments used were field diaries interview script. With the interpretation of the post test, the results obtained were evidenced, the poposed strategy motivated students to write short texts that would later be presented or exposed through shadow theater and share the stories created from their imagination with classmates. The results obtained were satisfactory the students were motivated to write and improved in their writing, with percentages that vary at a minimum level, but the shadow theater as a didactic strategy helped the students to become interested in writing texts and representing them through light and the shadows.

Año de publicación:



  • didactic strategy
  • shadow theater
  • dificultades de escritura
  • Writing difficulties



Tipo de documento:

Bachelor Thesis


Acceso abierto

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Pedagogía
  • Pedagogía

Áreas temáticas:

  • Educación
  • Inglés e inglés antiguo (anglosajón)
  • Retórica y colecciones literarias