Assistive technological tools to strengthen interaction, communication and learning in children with different abilities


This document first presents an overview of the current situation of children with special educational needs in the province of Tungurahua, Ecuador and the development of assistive technology tools (ATT) in response to the particular needs in the interaction, communication, and learning of these children. It also explains about the implemented tools: TEVI (Virtual Keyboard) with natural language processing; to strengthen interaction and communication in children with language problems because of their motor disability. HETI@DOWN, a playful software to help develop cognitive skills in down children. GAMSEMAT, a serious adaptive game developed to strengthen mathematical learning in children with intellectual disabilities. ALBITIC, a repository of learning objects for preschoolers, based on a children’s story. Finally, it shows the results of the investigations where these were applied; evidencing a significant contribution in interaction, communication and learning in children with different abilities.

Año de publicación:



  • Interaction and communication
  • playful learning



Tipo de documento:

Conference Object


Acceso restringido

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Pedagogía
  • Discapacidad

Áreas temáticas:

  • Escuelas y sus actividades; educación especial
  • Enfermedades