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Annotated translation of the book Caminantes del Sol by Edna Iturralde.
OtherAbstract: This annotated translation of “Caminantes del Sol” by Edna Iturralde was designed to meet the needsPalabras claves:ANNOTATED TRANSLATION, CULTURE-SPECIFIC ITEMS, EXTRALINGUISTIC FEATURES, linguistic features, PARATEXTUAL, SEMANTIC MEANINGAutores:Arhym Maité Miranda Mantilla, David Eduardo Hoyos Hernández, Mariela Fátima Vásquez Barros, Yolanda Denisse Gómez NaranjoFuentes:rraaeA comparision of semantic and communicative approaches to translation based on excerpts taken from the book South America by Frank Carpenter.
OtherAbstract: This research project consists of a comparison of semantic and communicative approaches to translatiPalabras claves:COMMUNICATIVE TRANSLATION, FRANK CARPENTER'S SOUTH AMERICA, NIDA'S DYNAMIC EQUIVALENCE, SEMANTIC TRANSLATIONAutores:Ángel David Cangá Corozo, David Eduardo Hoyos HernándezFuentes:rraaeDesarrollo de un videojuego educativo como soporte en el proceso de aprendizaje de la escritura para niños con Síndrome de Down.
OtherAbstract: Los videojuegos ya no son solo vistos como algo relacionado al ocio, se ha logrado comprobar que elPalabras claves:APLICACIÓN LÚDICA, APLICACIÓN MÓVIL, Multimedia, SíNDROME DE DOWN, VIDEOJUEGO EDUCATIVOAutores:David Eduardo Hoyos Hernández, Dennisse Maribel Rivera Mejía, Gabriela Carolina Martínez BaquerizoFuentes:rraaeEvaluating the implementation and impact of a literature circle among 8th grade students of Unidad Educativa BilingüeTorremar.
OtherAbstract: The issue detected at Unidad Educativa Bilingüe Torremar was analyzed through action research. The fPalabras claves:Autores:César Vicente Tapia Álvarez, David Eduardo Hoyos Hernández, Karina Delia Izquierdo Zamora, Luigi Efraín De Angelis Soriano, Repositorio UCSGFuentes:googlerraaeOpportunities for immersion in English Language Learning at the CENID of the Technical University of Babahoyo.
OtherAbstract: For many years learning English as a Foreign Language in Ecuador has been considered a controversialPalabras claves:Autores:Cecilia Elizabeth Dahik Solis, Cecilia Isabel Cáneppa Muñoz, David Eduardo Hoyos Hernández, Sara Inés Rivadeneira Enríquez, Ximena Marita Jarrin HunterFuentes:googlerraae